What's Your Story?

2018 Entry


What is the good side of the internet?

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The internet has know taken over the whole world and everyone is using it daily whether it’s to check the time or research a question or to even post new photos and text on social media apps like Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and more. We should push the bad side away just like I wrote on the poster. Some good sides of the internet are Google, Social media, Spotify (or any other app). There is also a bad side but it’s he 21st century so we can handle that. If anyone is cyber-bullying or even commenting bad things on your posts it’s better to just ignore it, But if it gets to you talk to a adult or a parental caregiver as they can help you push this side away. Now lets go back to the good side where everyone lives happily and no one gets threatened to do something or gets hurt. The internet is very useful, it has the answer to almost every question in the world.

To conclude LETS PUSH THE BAD SIDE AWAY and stay on the good side because that’s just whats best

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