What's Your Story?

2016 Winner


The good, the bad and the ugly of the Internet

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The good shows how we use the Internet to learn to find answers to our questions, to communicate on social media, to educate others & ourselves, to entertain ourselves by watching & playing & to shop online from places all over the world. The bad shows how people can talk to those they don’t know online because these strangers could be liars or scammers. People can become addicted to a game & they might want to try what they see online in real life. The ugly shows the darker side of the Internet. Some people believe who they are talking to & agree to meet them. If you’re doing things illegally on the Internet like hacking you can be arrested. Being stalked online can lead to cyber bullying. People hide behind their screen names to say nasty things to people & this can lead to depression. The Internet can be a mix of good, bad and ugly. It is important to embrace the good & are made aware of the bad & ugly to educate ourselves & others of the appropriate way to behave online.

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